Home Church Red Deer
- 10:00am - Sisterhood (Legacy Place)
- 7:00pm - Monday Night Prayer (Legacy Place – Prayer Centre)
- 7:00pm - Men's Ministry (Legacy Place)
- 8:00pm - HCYA (Home Church Young Adults) - follow on instagram for more info
- 10:00am - Sisterhood on Zoom (Will resume in September) (Meeting Link)
Not able to come in person or you live far away? No problem! We have another great way to build community with women no matter where you live!
- 7:30pm - HCY (Home Church Youth) - Follow homechurchyouth on Instagram for more info each week
Home Church Ponoka
- Men’s Fam Group – Tuesdays at 5233 42 St. Close. 7:00pm.
Call or text 403-783-5659 for details. - Sisterhood – Thursdays at Home Church Ponoka. 6:30pm.
Call or text 403-704-0166 or 403-704-5255 for details. - Sisterhood Online - Thursdays at 10:00am on Zoom (Meeting Link)
Not able to come in person or you live far away? No problem! We have another great way to build community with women no matter where you live! - HCY – Fridays at Home Church Ponoka. 7:00pm.
Call or text 403-783-9936 for details.
Home Church Olds
- Men’s Study Group - Monday 7:00pm
- Prayer Meeting - Tuesday 6:30pm
- Sisterhood
- Wednesdays at 10:00am
- Thursdays Online at 10:00am on Zoom (Meeting Link)
Not able to come in person or you live far away? No problem! We have another great way to build community with women no matter where you live! - Saturdays at 9:00am once per month
- Young Adults - Wednesdays 7:30pm
- The Core - Ages Grades 5-7 Fridays 5:00pm
- Youth HCY - Fridays 7:30pm
Home Church Calgary
- Monday Night Prayer: 7:30pm on Zoom
- Zoom link to join: https://zoom.us/j/3443959896?pwd=WFMzdGJVWkkvZG1LUW1ldHVmbHozQT09
- Sisterhood Online - Thursdays at 10:00am on Zoom (Meeting Link)
Not able to come in person or you live far away? No problem! We have another great way to build community with women no matter where you live!
Home Church Stettler
- Sisterhood Online - Thursdays at 10:00am on Zoom (Meeting Link)
Not able to come in person or you live far away? No problem! We have another great way to build community with women no matter where you live!
Home Church Sundre
- Sisterhood Online - Thursdays at 10:00am on Zoom (Meeting Link)
Not able to come in person or you live far away? No problem! We have another great way to build community with women no matter where you live!