Home Church Olds / Mountain View

Pastors Ed and Melissa Furst

Location Information

Phone: 403.556.4042
Email: mv(at)myhomechurch.ca
Street address: 1-4513 52 Ave, Olds (Mountain View Plaza)
Mailing address: c/o 184 Balsam Crescent, Olds, AB T4H 1M4


Weekend Services

  • Sundays @ 9:30am and 11:15am

Facebook Instagram Upcoming Events

Ministries & Programs


HC Kids

Our goal in HC kids is to teach kids aged nursery to grade 4 about Jesus and help them strengthen their relationship with Him.

Each week our team is committed to providing a fun, safe, secure, and engaging environment for every child. Every volunteer has completed a criminal record check as well as a child-intervention check through the province of Alberta. Every week our Pastors and team leaders bring the bible to life through a variety of activities, games, worship, and Bible stories.

If it's your first time with us in HC kids our volunteers will be happy to take you through the check in and check out process.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Children's classes for Grades 7 and under take place during the message.

HCJY - Junior Youth

HCJY is the Preteen ministry of Home Church. Our vision is to teach 10-12 year olds about Jesus and the unique calling he has for each person. We prepare kids to share their faith in practical ways and aim to have the most fun we possibly can!

Home Church Youth

HCY Middle and High School
Fridays, 7:30pm 

1-4513 52 Ave, Olds (Mountain View Plaza)


Home Church Young Adults

Wednesdays, 8:00pm 

1-4513 52 Ave, Olds (Mountain View Plaza)

HC Thrive

HC THRIVE is a gathering of peers ages 45 and up for FOOD, FUN & FRIENDSHIP.

Our goal is to reach, connect & equip our generation to build the local church through monthly events & iServe Opportunities.

For information, call Lynn or Bill at 403-556-3286.

I Heart MV

I Heart MV seeks to show God’s great love to our communities in practical ways. It includes our Bus Ministry, Fill the Fridge, Back Pack, and School Supplies Programs. It also includes our Christmas gift basket program that helps families make ends meet during the Christmas season and beyond.

Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you tells him, "Go in peace; stay warm and well fed," but does not provide or his physical needs, what good is that? So too, faith by itself, if it is not complemented by action, is dead...
James 2:15-17

For more information or if you would like to be involved with our iHeart MV team, please contact mv(at)myhomechurch.ca


A great time of connecting with other moms in the community!

Sisterhood in Olds:

  • Wednesdays 10:00am at the church
    Women will enjoy presentations and focused discussions on various subjects that are of interest to everyone! The kids will have a great time with our kids team.
    Location: Home Church Olds: 1-4513 52 Ave, Olds.
  • Thursdays at 10:00am on Zoom. (Meeting LInk)
    Not able to come in person or you live far away? No problem!  We have another great way to build community with women no matter where you live!
  • Saturdays - 9:00am once per month
    Location: Home Church Olds: 1-4513 52 Ave, Olds.

Facebook Instagram

For info, call the church @ 403-556-4042.

Prayer Meetings

Prayer changes things! We ask God for His good purposes to be seen in our church and community. 

Tuesday nights at 6:30pm at the church, led by Dr. Johann VanderVyver

Small Groups

Getting connected to a small group is what makes a big church feel small. It’s the place where community is built & where you will meet people who will walk through life with you.    

Our groups are as varied as we are; group leaders use their gifts and passions to create a group that allows others to join with them in serving God. Whatever your age, interest, or location there is a group that is just right for you. Whether it’s through sermon discussion, book study or sharing a common interest, we encourage everyone to join a small group & begin growing in their relationship with God & His church.

Click here for more

© 2025 Home Church