1. Engage the culture
2. Live in authentic relationships
3. Empower the Potential of People
4. Driven by Compassion
5. For all Generations
Culture Targets
1. Volunteer Culture
Everyone has a part and everyone contributes.
2. Worship Experience Culture
We always come expecting God to move, creating an atmosphere where people can be changed in His presence.
3. Honor Culture
People: We treat everyone with honor regardless of age or position.
God’s House: We honor by being on time, checking our children into the Nursery and Kids Ministry and by not moving during the altar call when people are making eternal decisions.
4. Giving Culture
We give God our first and our best with tithes and offerings. We love to give whenever and however we can.
5. Relational Culture
We are building authentic, lasting friendships and always have room for someone new to become part of our life.
6. Bringing Culture
We bring as many people as we can to God’s house to see their lives changed by Jesus. Inviting is good; bringing is better.
7. Life Giving Culture
We encourage one another and together we believe God for greater things.